Here’s what this isn’t. This isn’t a post that tells you to just hold on and everything will work out. Because I don’t know that. Neither does anybody else. And I’m not here to spout toxic optimism. So if that’s what it’s not, what is it? I don’t know. It’s a story. A true one....
I find myself posting less and less on Twitter, and I haven’t really had the motivation to invest in a new social media platform. Most of my writer thoughts are now shared on Discord, which is nice because I like the people on there, but limiting as it’s only a select group of folks. But...
It’s hard being a debut author. Like really hard. One of the things that’s the hardest is just getting your book out there and having people find it. To help with that, here’s a post of all the debut SF that I know about that’s coming in 2023. Methodology…lol…like there’s one of those. I’m including...
There’s a lot going on with my next novel, Generation Ship, so I thought I’d write a quick post to keep you updated. First off, we have both a publication date and a cover. The book will release in all formats (Audio, E-Book, and trade paperback) on August 22, 2023. The artwork on the cover...
I was chatting with a a group of writers the other day when Sunyi Dean, asked a question about beta readers, and if people used fewer beta readers now than they did earlier in their career. I do use fewer, and it got me thinking about why–and I’ll talk about that. But it, along with...
I met today’s guest post author at Worldcon in Chicago, where we sat together on a panel called Mil SF vs. Dystopian. It was probably my favorite panel ever as we discussed both subgenres. We talked about where they came from, where they are today, and where they’re going, along with how they overlap. We...
Today as part of my guest post series where authors talk about books they love, I’ve got Chris Gerrib here to talk about Suzanne Palmer’s The Finder Chronicles, which I have to admit, I haven’t read. But now I want to. Chris is also here to promote his book ONE OF OUR SPACESHIPS IS MISSING....
I’ve been away from the blog for a bit, mostly because I haven’t had a ton to say, but also because when there are competing demands on my writer time, it’s probably the least productive use of said time. There’s a lot going on, and I’m probably not supposed to talk about most of it....
Today I’m honored to have Jeremy Szal here to talk about a SF series that he loved. I’m a fan of Jeremy’s work — I’ve sometimes described his book STORMBLOOD as similar to PLANETSIDE, but darker and with cooler tech. Here’s a bit about it: Vakov Fukasawa used to be a Reaper: a bio-enhanced soldier...
Having attended AtomaCon this weekend in Charleston, I have some thoughts to share about small SFF conventions that have writer’s tracks, and why they can be a good option for authors at a lot of different places in their development. Before I dive in, let me give the caveats. Yes, there are cons that are...