Things I’ve Learned On The Midlist

You see the term ‘Mid-List’ author thrown around a lot, but we don’t ever really talk about what it means, so I thought I’d share my thoughts about it from my perspective. After all, I am a midlist author, so I probably have some insight. As with everything publishing, this is just an opinion. Midlist...

Impostor Syndrome, Insecurity and Being a Writer

I wrote a twitter joke about needing people to read my book so they could tell me if it’s good or not. I mean…I was kind of joking. You know the type of thing where you throw it out there and sort of mean it but ha ha, yeah, I’m joking. Mostly. I’ve got a...

Guest Post: K. Pimpinella Writes About a SF Series That She Loves

Having recently opened up this space to guest posters, here’s our first one. K. Pimpinella is here to tell us why she loves The Edge Series by Andria Stone. And it’s interesting. When I came up with the idea for this guest series, I thought people would come on and talk about all the books...

Awards Eligibility and Why You Shouldn’t Vote For Me

It’s awards nomination season for science fiction and fantasy writers, and since I regularly tell other people to make sure that they post something that tells what they have eligible (since I nominate for both the Nebulas and the Hugos), I suppose I have to write my own. Quick aside: doesn’t it feel like we...

Progress Report on Generation Ship Book

At the beginning of the year, I started writing a new book. Convenient timing, that. I thought I’d give an inside look at how that was going after two weeks. If you follow me, you may know that recently I finished up all of my contracted books and that those two books will be out...

How an Author Sells Books to a Publisher (Or, what happens after your first book deal)

So I made a poll on twitter and asked people to choose my next blog post. I gave them three choices. A post about science fiction books, a topic on which I am well-versed and somewhat of a minor expert. A post on writing craft, on which…well, I’m pretty good, if I do say so...

Opening to Guest Posts

I’m opening my blog to guest posts from other writers. Why? Because I really appreciate it when other authors do it. Granted, I don’t have a huge platform. A couple hundred to a couple thousand people show up to read each post on my blog on average. But I feel like people do listen to...

What do I Mean When I Say Vet Agents Before Submitting Materials?

You might have seen the phrase vet agents (and/or editors) before submitting materials. It gets thrown around a lot in the writing world, especially around pitch contests and such. The premise behind it being that anybody can call themselves an agent (or an editor.) So what do we mean when we say that? What is...

Books I’m Planning to Read in 2022

A couple people have asked me, so I decided to write a post and share my TBR (To Be Read) list for 2022. This is just a plan. Like any plan, it will fall apart to some extent during execution. But you have to start somewhere. I should note that there are a few 2022...

My 2021 Year in Writing

I thought I’d reflect on my year in writing for 2021, my first year as a full-time writer. I enjoy reading them from other writers, and I suppose I’m in sort of a reflective mood. Warning: 2021 hasn’t been all great for me, so this may turn a bit dark near the end. I considered...

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   A seasoned military officer uncovers a deadly conspiracy on a distant, war-torn planet…

About Me

I am a former Soldier and current science fiction writer. Usually I write about Soldiers. Go figure. I’m represented by Lisa Rodgers of JABberwocky Literary Agency. If you love my blog and want to turn it into a blockbuster movie featuring Chris Hemsworth as me, you should definitely contact her.

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