Hi there. It’s been a while. I should update more often. On a positive note, I’m updating now because I’ve got real news to share. First, we have an official release date for BLINDSIDE (Planetside 5). It will release in all formats on February 17th, 2026. The audio will be narrated by RC Bray. Because...
The dark side’s coming now, nothing is real… If you know that lyric, you probably grew up in the 80s. It’s not at all what my new novel is about. But it was stuck in my head, so now it can be stuck in yours as well. You’re welcome. DARKSIDE is the name of my...
Do you know Kel? You should. Kel is an excitable bookseller who has captured the hearts of a lot of the author world online with her tales of working in book stores, promoting books, and generally just being great and excited about all things book. I saw her the other day doing an AMA (Ask...
I taught at the Saga Writer’s Conference in Winston Salem this weekend, and it was really great. I had a good time and got some excellent interaction with the attendees, both in my classes and at the mixer. I promised that I’d post my slides from the Pace and Structure class, and you can find...
Hi there. It’s indie SF day here on the blog. Why you ask? Why not? Every day should be indie SF day. But also, I want to share a project that I worked on that supports indie SF authors. Lately I’ve been working with the SFWA book bundle team, where we take a bunch of...
Every so often the same topics come around, and one that I’ve seen lately relates to social media as an author. As always, I believe that anyone tells you there’s one best way to do things is probably wrong. You can be on Tik Tok. You don’t have to be on Tik Tok. You can...
Here’s what this isn’t. This isn’t a post that tells you to just hold on and everything will work out. Because I don’t know that. Neither does anybody else. And I’m not here to spout toxic optimism. So if that’s what it’s not, what is it? I don’t know. It’s a story. A true one....
I find myself posting less and less on Twitter, and I haven’t really had the motivation to invest in a new social media platform. Most of my writer thoughts are now shared on Discord, which is nice because I like the people on there, but limiting as it’s only a select group of folks. But...
Today I’m honored to have Jeremy Szal here to talk about a SF series that he loved. I’m a fan of Jeremy’s work — I’ve sometimes described his book STORMBLOOD as similar to PLANETSIDE, but darker and with cooler tech. Here’s a bit about it: Vakov Fukasawa used to be a Reaper: a bio-enhanced soldier...
I’m not ready to reflect on the end of Pitch Wars and what it means going forward yet, so I thought I’d talk about everything that happened to me surrounding Pitch Wars going backward. I think I’ve told most of these stories at some point, but maybe never all in the same place. 2014. I’d...